My Tacos did not turn our so good. That's what happens when I am trying to do too many things at once. |
Well, I am glad to report that Brent and I both survived a very hectic, crazy transfer week. President and Sister Hannemann were stuck in Manoa (thanks to Cyclone Winston) so the APs and us managed the transfer of 26 missionaries. For those of you who are not familiar with what this entails, it basically meant that we were trying to lodge, feed and train 26 new misssionaries, plus 19 missionary trainers who came into the office all at the same time. One night we had 50 people here. We put out sleeping mats everywhere, including our office. The next morning when I walked in I was almost bowled over with the smell. I forgot what teenage boys shoes smell like - a smell I had happily forgotten. A generous spray of Lysol and a lot of airing out, and it is almost gone.
The week started off last Sunday night with a potluck Mexican dinner for the Seniors that the President was supposed to host, but which got switched to us when he was not here. Thirty six taco shells were pretty much incinerated while I was trying to get everything organized to serve. No big deal, we took the other fixings and made taco salad, which turned out to be a big hit. Mexican food is one thing I have really missed, and so kudos go to the seniors who found the fixings to make enchiladas, Mexican layer dip with chips and Mexican Wedding cookies for dessert.
Missionaries returning home. Boy, I sure do LOVE these amazing missionaries |
Monday and Tuesday the new missionaries showed up from the Provo MTC (Mission Training Center) and the New Zealand MTC. Both of these groups arrived at the International airport which is about 40 minutes away. Two large vans were required to transport them and their luggage back to the mission home. Tuesday there was training and a welcome dinner for the new missionaries. Sister Afalua always works so hard to prepare traditional Samoan dishes. These dinners are always a real treat. Luckily President Hannemann was able to get home Wed. night.
Thursday morning the missionaries returning home arrived. Elder Europa (purple tie) was the only member of his family. While he was on his mission his family joined the church in Savaii, and he was able to go home and baptize them. Sister Oteomoa, green shirt, was a recent convert when she decided to go on a mission. Elder Samaseia (Far left) held a special place in my heart as he spent some time in the MRC with Dengue, and later food poisoning or bad water. No matter how bad he felt he always kept a good attitude. Again Sister Afalua made an amazing farewell dinner, and then we were treated to a very spiritual testimony of each of the returning missionaries.
Elder Frazer (AP) with Elder Ainoa |
Sister Oteamoa with the return missionary who baptized her. He was here to congratulate her on a job well done. |
My scripture for the week comes from 2 Nephi 15:26, where Nephi is quoting from the Old Testament prophet Isaiah: And he will lift up an ensign to the nations from far, and will hiss unto them from the end of the earth; and behold, they shall come with speed swiftly; none shall be weary nor stumble among them.
This scripture refers to the people in the last days (our day) who listen to the message of these young missionaries, and recognize that their saving message is from God. It is such a privilege to serve with these young warriors of God. I am blessed! Have a great week. Love, Patty