4th of July at Nu'umau Beach - Gotta love those Schaefermeyers who do everything with a flair! |
The 4th of July was celebrated in high style with the Senior Missionaries at Nu'umau Beach. We closed the office at 1 pm and by 2 pm we had arrived at the beach where the Schaefermeyers and Gillettes had set up tables and chairs in the water, red,white and blue ballons added a festive touch and Rusty's handcrafted Bar-B-Q was sitting out in the water ready for hamburgers and hotdogs. 60's tunes (my favorites), were broadcast out across the water, and salads, desserts and chips were potluck. As the tide came in we just kept moving the tables, until by the time we left the water was up to the 2nd post. We had a wonderful time celebrating the greatest country on earth!
Senior Missionaries 4th of July Picnic |
Saturday Brent and the Senior Men had a male bonding experience going scuba diving. It was pretty pricey at $350 WST. After some instruction in a pool, they were taken out in the ocean. I was disappointed that they didn't see anything cool like a shark or a whale for that price, but they still had a good time.
Bright Blue starfish are common but still pretty! |
Tomorrow starts another transfer week, and the stress is already building. We are expecting 16 new missionaries, and will have an additional 16 missionaries come into the office as trainers; that equals 32! They start arriving tomorrow and the mission president is off island until Tuesday afternoon. The logistical planning for housing, feeding, training, transporting, by van boat and plane, makes for a interesting week.
"Fit For the Kingdom" Activity at Pesega |
Linda Spencer, Patty, Shanna Schaefermeyer Slow but Steady finished the race! |
"WE WARN that individuals who violate covenants of chastity, who abuse spouse or offspring, or who fail to fulfill family responsibilities will one day stand accountable before God. Further, we warn that the disintegration of the family will bring upon individuals, communities, and nations the calamities foretold by ancient and modern prophets.
WE CALL UPON responsible citizens and officers of government everywhere to promote those measures designed to maintain and strengthen the family as the fundamental unit of society."
I am again saddened as I hear about this past week's happenings in the United States. It is obvious to me that we continue to see these atrocities because of the breakdown of the family. If we want to have peace in our nation, we need to keep the commandments of God. Love to my family and friends. Patty
Finally caught up on your blog. Love seeing your photos - Sue Trench, the Pink of Things - and love hearing about what you're doing. Stay safe and stay well. Much love, M.