Sunday, December 29, 2019

Keep Christmas in Your Heart

Sweet Christmas Eve Celebration -
One I will always remember with fondness
Talofa Family and Friends,
     Manuia le Kirisimasi!  I hope all of your Christmases were as joyful as ours was.  Through the miracle of the internet we were able to visit with all of our kids and share in a little bit of their Christmas.  Christmas Eve we shared a little Christmas with two of our Institute students, as well as Mata's younger siblings and the Edwards.  Sister Patch got stuck at the hospital delivering babies (a total of 7) so they didn't make it.    Having kids here made the night perfect.  After a yummy lasagna dinner we enjoyed singing carols, reading Luke 2 and playing Charades.  There were a few surprises under the tree for everyone.  My favorite moment was seeing nine year old Spencer open a basketball.  His face was priceless - I'm not sure who was happier, Spencer or me.   The night was topped off with apple crisp and Ice Cream.
     We loved participating in the  "Light the World" Campaign throughout December.  Brent and I had to talk in Church today, and part of my talk was about how to keep Christmas. Here is a short excerpt: If Christmas is not in your heart it will never be found under a tree.  It has been wonderful participating in the "Light the World" and to think of all the kindness and good deeds being done around the world.  It's too bad that we can't keep those good feelings associated with Christmas going all year long.     Charles Dickens, in "A Christmas Carol" wrote "I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year."   What a grand idea!  Let's try not to pack up the Spirit of Christmas with the ornaments this year.  Let's make 2020 the year we keep Christmas.
Christmas Morning Pancake Breakfast for West Zone
Just imagine the joy we could bring to others and ourselves if we just tried to be a little kinder, a little more generous, and a little more willing to go out of our way to help our neighbor, a little more like our Savior Jesus Christ.
     Christmas morning was so much fun.  Missionaries from the West Zone started arriving at 7:30 am and by 8:30 all sixteen had arrived.  The Patches and Edwards had volunteered to take care of the East Zone at Aua.  We had made a large breakfast casserole and Brent made his famous pancakes.  Somehow we managed to fill up all those bottomless pits.  After breakfast we played our "Ricky Ticky Bear" Game and then for the rest of the day several of them used our Ipads and computers to make video calls home.  By 4:30 pm I was ready for a break! 
     Christmas evening the Edwards had us and the Patches over to their place for a delicious turkey dinner.  Having these two other couples on island with us has been such a blessing!  One tender mercy was that Dr. Edwards offered to give me cortisone shots in my knees as needed.  A couple of weeks ago I finally gave in and got the shots.  My knees feel almost like new!  When I left the states I knew my knees would eventually start hurting, but I had decided I would just bite the bullet.  Having the shots available and someone I trust to give them is truly a blessing!
Christmas Dinner at the Edwards
     We did have a bit of a scare this week with our little dog.  We're not sure if she got hit by a car or someone threw a rock at her, but for days she did not eat, drink or hardly move.   Everytime we would try and pick her up she would whine loudly.  I was pretty sure she was going to die.  There is a Vet Tech on island that we took her to.  We got an antibiotic and pain medication for her.  Today is the first day that it looks like she's going to be OK.   
       Most of my talk today was from the Book of Revelation, and was about being strong in a world of decaying morals.  I'll close with this quote from Richard G. Scott regarding how we can stay safe during these last days. He describes how a strong testimony of the Savior will shield us from the adversary. "A strong testimony gives peace, comfort, and assurance.  It generates the conviction that as the teachings of the Savior are consistently obeyed, life will be beautiful, the future secure, and there will be capacity to overcome the challenges that cross our path.  A testimony grows from understanding truth, distilled from prayer and the pondering of scriptural doctrine.  It is nurtured by living those truths in faith and the secure confidence that the promised results will be obtained.  Your personal security and happiness depend upon the strength of your testimony, for it will guide your actions in times of trial and uncertainty." 
The Three Partners in Crime
(Yes - Brent went on another tie making binge)
     The beginning of a new year is always a good time to make a personal assessment and see where we can improve.  It's also a good time to reflect on all of our blessings.  Our wonderful family and many good friends have blessed our lives over the years.  We love looking at FB and seeing how and what you all are doing.  It's fun to see our old missionaries getting married and starting families, connecting with old friends and seeing how your families are growing.  The greatest blessing I have is my strong testimony of the Atonement of Jesus Christ and His Gospel.  Even though we live in a trying time we also live in an amazing time.  I can hardly wait to see what 2020 will bring. (I'm hoping for an amazing diet pill that works!)  Brent and I send our love to all of you and best wishes for a peaceful and prosperous New Year.
Alofa atu, Patty (Nana)

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Halls Are Decked

Merry Christmas from Tutuila
Merry Christmas to our Family and Friends,
      The island of Tutuila is decked out like I've never seen anywhere else for Christmas. I do believe that we have more snowmen and reindeer than Utah!.. Several villages have gone all out with spectacular decorations on every house and lights on the streets. Our little string of lights across the front of the mission home looks pretty lame next to the light display across the street.
     This past week we really swung into Christmas, with two days having people over for making cookies, our missionary party and a nice dinner with the Senior Missionaries and the Ho Chings.  The Senior missionaries put our heads and talents together and came up with a puppet show and a few songs as our contribution to the program.  The Patches brought some puppets from home, and then fashioned amazing Elder and Sister Claus costumes for them out of a large Christmas stocking.  I wrote the script and Brent had more fun than a barrel of monkeys playing Elder Claus. For those of you who don't have anything to do this week I've posted the video on FB.  Elder Patch wrote new words for a couple of Christmas songs that we had a lot of fun with.   My favorite was "I'm Not Home For Christmas."  We also sang "There are Fleas on My Dog" to the tune of Felix Navidad and "The Ho Chings are Coming to Town."  The Seniors also put together gift bags for each missionary on the island. 
Mata - Christmas Elf Extraordinaire!

Day 2 of Cookie Making with Spencer and Jr.
     Mata, one of our Institute students, was a great help in making a zillion batches of cookies.  Remember, even though you might be freezing, we are at the hottest time of the year.  Turning on the oven only adds to our misery.  The first batch was consumed almost instantly by missionaries, so Mata brought her little brother over, and we recruited Jr. to help us with round two.  These cookies are safely stored for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  We are looking forward to a wonderful Christmas.  The Senior couples, Mata's family and Jr. will be joining us for a lasagna supper on Christmas Eve and then we are feeding the missionaries a pancake breakfast on Christmas morning.  Hopefully we can get some snorkeling in before we go to the Edwards  for a turkey dinner on Christmas night and then I think I'll collapse into bed.  
     Our Grandson, Jacob, called yesterday to tell me he was missing the things we usually do together as a family.  He was especially not happy about not getting new pajamas to open on Christmas Eve, and going to Grandma's to make cookies.  His call was the highlight of the week and reminded me of where my heart really is this time of year - with our beautiful family.  Next year Jacob - I promise!  


     "I'm Not Home For Christmas"  

I'm dreaming tonight of a place I love
Even more than I usually do.
And although I know it's a long road back
I promise you...

If I'm not home for this Christmas
You Know where I'll be.
I'm here in Samoa
As a missionary. 

Please save all my presents
For when I return
Costs too much to mail them
And the Ellsworths get heartburn.

Christmas Eve will find me
Lighting up this place.
I'm not home for Christmas
But we'll meet in cyberspace.
Patches, Ellsworths, Ho Chings and Edwards at the Senior Christmas Party - Tradewinds Hotel

      One of my favorite Christmas activities as a child (also an adult), is listening to my sister read "This Way to Christmas."  It's a book of stories from around the world, tied together by a little boy trying to find Christmas after his world has pretty much fallen apart. (It's also available for $1.99 on Amazon Kindle.) The Locked Out Fairy gives him some very good advice: "  Put out of your mind for all time these notions that ye are bound to find Christmas hanging with the tinsel balls to the Christmas tree or tied to the end of a stocking.  Ye must make up your mind to find it with your heart and not with your fingers and your eyes."
     Sending my love and wishes that each of you can capture at some time this week the Spirit of Christmas through the example of our Savior Jesus Christ.

Alofa Atu - Patty (Nana)      

Monday, December 9, 2019

Pray for Samoa

NOT my photo - taken off of FB
Talofa Family and Friends,
     As many of you have heard, Western Samoa is fighting a deadly measles epidemic.  In 2013 the immunization rate was over 80% but then two children died in Savaii of a contaminated immunization and parents stopped immunizing their children.  The result - over 4,000 cases of measles in the country with over 60 deaths, mostly of children under the age of 4.  It is almost certain that the death toll will rise before this is all over.  To put this into perspective - if my math is right - that would be comparable to 100,000 children in the USA dying in a matter of a couple of months.  (USA Pop - 329,000,000 vs. Samoan Pop - 197,000 - 60 deaths).  Two days last week the entire country was shut down.  No one was allowed on the roads except medical and emergency personnel.  All businesses, schools, and government offices were closed. All Christmas parties - or large gatherings of any kind are cancelled.  Immunizations are now mandatory.  If your household is not vaccinated you have to stay home and fly a red flag outside so medical personnel can bring the vaccine to your house.  The real tragedy is that this was 100% preventable.
      So here in American Samoa, extreme measures have been taken to try and keep the disease off our island.  Sadly, this week there were 9 confirmed cases here.  As a result all Christmas celebrations have been called off, schools are closed, church services are very limited and efforts to make sure everyone is vaccinated continue.  It is doubtful that we will see the same devastation as Western Samoa, as the vaccination rate here is over 80% and malnutrition is not as prevalent.  However, one child would be too many.  The lesson here - VACCINATE your kids!
This week Sister Leiataua and her companion Sister King spent most of the week with us, as she had to have three wisdom teeth pulled - one side on Tuesday and the other side on Friday.  I have to say that she was a trooper.
Sister King, not accustomed
to air conditioning, spent the week cocooned in a blanket. We love these sisters, but hopefully we will have a break for a bit from house guests.

Elders Larsen and Fa'amasuli were welcome help this week as we made our weekly run to the Post Office.  I'm really not sure what we would have done without their help.  We sent 18 large boxes to Apia, with many still more distributed to our missionaries in American Samoa.  We're grateful President Ho Ching has given us permission to use these Elders through the end of the Christmas season as neither Brent nor I can crawl into the back of the truck to stack boxes.  What you can't see is the sweat literally pouring off of poor Elder Larsen.
Brent, Jr., Patty, Sky, Mata 
     Thursday night we had invited our institute students for dinner and games to celebrate the end of the semester.  I had no idea how many people to expect, and actually had nightmares of being over run with YSAs (Young Single Adults).  However, from the photo you can see that my fears were ungrounded.  Even though we were few in number we had a great time.  After dinner we played the "Ricky Ticky Bear" game (which was a hit) and then watched a movie.  We love these young adults!
     One of our Elders, Elder Pingree, took a leave of absence from the Air Force Academy to serve a mission.  In order to be readmitted he had to talk to his Minnesota Congressman and two other high officials.  Getting this phone call set up was a big deal, Saturday morning we were on edge while we waited for the call and prayed Elder Pingree would make it from the other side of the island in time.  The phone rang - I answered - Elder Pingree arrived!  Whew!!!  His goal is to be a fighter pilot and I think he's on his way.  If all the young people in the academy are the same caliber as this young man,

Elders Pingree and Raybon
our country is in good hands!  Best of luck Elder!
     Friday night was the Christmas Party for the PBO.  This was the first day the Government had announced the presence of measles, and so the police arrived and told us everyone had to be out of the restaurant by 8:30 pm.  That cut the party a little short, but we still had a good time.  That will be the end of our partying for this year, as all future events have been cancelled.
     Sometime this week I was listening to a program and  heard something I'd heard before, but this time it stuck in my head.  "We are not Human Beings having a spiritual experience, we are Spiritual Beings having a human experience." As a consequence of our mortal existence we are subject to disease, heartbreak and trials.  That is why having a strong faith in God and an understanding of who we truly are, literal children of our Heavenly Father, is so important.  That faith is our ark in the storm.
    Trying to tie this all together, to try and make sense of a world that sometimes does not make sense, I came across this quote from an LDS talk by L. Whitney Clayton"The sweetest gift given at Christmas will always be the one our Savior Himself gave us: his perfect peace. He said: 'Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid' (John 14:27). Even in a world where peace seems far off, the Savior’s gift of peace can live in our hearts regardless of our circumstances. If we accept the Savior’s invitation to follow him, lasting fear is forever banished. Our future has been secured. These are the 'good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.' 'Fear thou not,' the prophet Isaiah reminded us, 'for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness' (Isaiah 41:10)."  
Alofa atu, Patty (Nana)

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Week of Giving Thanks

Talofa Family and Friends,
     This was a week of friends and service.  Monday President and Sister Ho Ching went with us to the Post Office in their bright red sleigh (aka Toyota Truck with shell) to help us with the expected load of packages.  With Christmas almost here we were expecting more than usual.  It was good that we took the truck, because they would not have all fit in our car. The back of the truck was packed to capacity and we had several in the cab with us.   Many packages for our missionaries were marked "Do Not Open Until Christmas" so I guess the season is here.  True to form, the Post Office decided to dig up the road where you pick up cargo, so we had to hand carry all the packages out to the parking lot.  Why they would dig up access to the pick-up area right at the beginning of their very busiest time of year is a mystery to me.  As of Saturday it was still dug up, so I'm afraid this week will be the same.  The mission president gave us permission to use two Elders to help us through this busy season.  After we get home they have to be unloaded, weighed, recorded and either sorted for the missionaries living here or repacked into cargo boxes to send to Apia.  Then these big boxes (16 this week) are loaded back into the car, taken to the airport, and using a hand truck delivered to cargo.  It is quite an ordeal!
The "Elfsworths" helping Santa
Coral Nativity
     Tuesday I decided it was time to get the house decorated for the Holidays.  We found a large plastic bin full of decorations and lights, along with a Christmas tree in the spare bedroom closet.  Elders Larsen and Fa'amausili helped put the tree together and string some greenery.  Several times this week I missed my daughter-in-law, Channa, who is a talented decorator.  I did the best I could with strings of colored tinsel, a few angels, ornaments, greenery and Christmas bulbs.  Much to my dismay there was not a nativity or ornaments of the Savior.  I looked up all the names of Christ in the scriptures and made paper ornaments with those names.  I like the way it turned out.  Today the Patches brought me a nativity they made with a coconut shell and coral they picked up off the shore.  It's beginning to look alot like Christmas!
Mona Leta and Levi
     Wednesday a couple of our Institute students asked if they could come over and fix lunch for the missionaries as a service project.  They made delicious BLT sandwiches for six missionaries and Brent and I.  Three lbs of bacon later I think they were the best BLT's I've ever had!  We appreciated their desire to serve.  The best part was the left my kitchen sparking clean.
     Early Thursday morning (Thanksgiving) I was reading the paper online, having a relaxing morning, when the phone rang.  It was a man who said he was here to clean our roof and he needed us to open the gate.  Sure enough, a whole crew of workers were here with ladders, sponges, scrub brushes, spray bottles and a lot of elbow grease.  Not only did they clean the roof, they washed the entire outside of the house!  While I was cooking Thanksgiving dinner it sounded like we had an entire herd of reindeer on the roof.  I didn't realize how dirty the outside of the

house was but it definitely looks better.  Unfortunately, they didn't do windows but they did string the Christmas lights on the front of the house.
         We invited the Patches and Edwards for Thanksgiving dinner.  The Patches brought several desserts, heavenly rolls, and exotic fruits for a tasting adventure. The Edwards brought their family's traditional stuffing and a sweet potato casserole that was delicious!  We cooked a turkey and provided the mash potatoes, gravy, cranberries, corn  and a jello salad.  We had so much food that we had enough to feed everybody again today after church along with the Ho Chings.  There are still "Must Goes" in the fridge which we will enjoy this week.
      I appreciated the company on a day that can bring bubbling to the surface many memories of past Thanksgivings and the people who are no longer here.  Grandma Kendrick always wanted to chew the neck, Mom always made the best gravy, Dad always carved the Turkey and Aunt Florence always insisted that she loved to peel potatoes.  All people I love and dearly miss!
     After dinner we played our traditional "Ricky Ticky" game.  It's a dumb game that never fails to bring hilarity to the table.  Patches had us play "Vroom - ERRRR" that they play at their house.  The Edwards had run off several hymns for Christmas and Thanksgiving so we all enjoyed a sing-along.  It was a wonderful day with good food and good friends!
Edwards, Patches, Ellsworths and Lady
     Today Sister Edwards shared a poem by Robert Louis Stevenson.  RLS made Samoa his home for many years so that made it even more perfect.  I'll close with his words and wish all of you a week full of Christmas magic as we all look for ways we can serve one another.

“Lord, behold our family here assembled. We thank You for this place in which we dwell, for the love accorded us this day, for the hope with which we expect the morrow; for the health, the work, the food and the bright skies that make our lives delightful; for our friends in all parts of the earth. Give us courage and gaiety and the quiet mind. Spare us to our friends, soften us to our enemies. Bless us, if it may be, in all our innocent endeavors; if it may not, give us strength to endure that which is to come that we may be brave in peril, constant in tribulation, temperate in wrath and in all changes of fortune and down to the gates of death, loyal and loving to one another. We beseech of you this help and mercy for Christ's sake.”  RLS
Alofa atu, Patty (Nana)

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Counting My Blessings

Flame Tree - Brent's Favorite - They are breathtaking!
Talofa Family and Friends,
      How did it get to be Thanksgiving already?  With the days noticeably warmer it takes a little bit of effort to get into the Holiday Spirit.  We have invited the Edwards and Patches over for Thanksgiving Dinner, with everyone bringing something to share.  The Butterball Turkey is in the freezer, now all I have to do is find a pan large enough to cook it in.  I did search the stores for anything that might look like fall or Thanksgiving for table decorations - but came up empty handed.  If I was crafty I could probably come up with something, but that's a big "IF".

      Although Thanksgiving decorations are in short supply, Christmas decorations are popping up everywhere.  Driving to Pago for the last several weeks we have been amused at these strange dead tree branches, spray painted white and planted along the road for a couple of miles.  We've been told that one of the churches decorates them with lights and when they turn them on they look quite festive.
These decorations can only get better!
Otherwise the decorations are the traditional wreaths, bows, bells, Christmas Tree, and lights that are starting to appear on businesses, churches and homes.  We are excited to see some of the villages that apparently go all out with decorations.  It will definitely help to get us into the spirit of the season since there is not a single snowflake in sight. 
     Speaking of decorations - the main road this past week has sprouted flags, banners, ribbons, and signs in the school colors of the Samoana Sharks and the Fagaitua Vikings.  I don't think there was a pole, a tree, a balcony that wasn't covered in blue and white or red and white in anticipation of the playoff high school football game.  It was amazing to see the community support and spirit for these two teams, who I understand are long-time rivals.  These decorations stretched literally for miles!  Some trees had hundreds of ribbons tied in them.  All I could think of was I was glad that I wasn't the one who had to take it all down.  The game was yesterday with the Sharks taking a bite out of the Vikings - 36 to 34!
Fagaitua Viking Fans
Look closely for Samoana Ribbons
      I was so nice to see that the one theater in town no longer was playing "Terminator" and had "Frozen 2" playing.  I loved the music from the first Frozen movie so I talked Brent into going.  It was cute, but more and more I find myself bored in movies.  Thank goodness for Olaf the Snowman, who made me smile more than once.  I especially liked his song about he can't wait to grow up, because everything makes sense when you're grown-up. NOT!
     That brings me to my efforts to try and stay at least a little informed with national news.  We watched a little bit of the impeachment hearings and were again dismayed at the bickering and acrimony.  What we saw of the Democratic debate was not much better.  I appreciated the candidates who remained civil as I've had enough of the other.  I read in an editorial recently that the First Amendment for Free Speech is starting to change to: "I might not agree with a word you say - and I will do my best to shut you up!"  Like I said, not everything makes sense when you grow up.
Two Dollar beach which now costs $5 - but it's still a deal
     To move to something much nicer, we have finally taken the plunge in American Samoa.  That would be the plunge into the ocean. How Heavenly!  The water is the perfect temperature and the sea is teeming with tropical fish of every size, color and pattern.  Snorkeling here has turned out to be just as amazing as it was in Samoa.  We were pleasantly surprised to see some beautiful different kinds of corals that we hadn't seen before.  With Institute ending this week for Summer Break - we will definitely be taking advantage of this activity we both love.
     In closing I won't bore you with a complete list of everything I am grateful for - Let's just say that there are countless things I have been blessed with.  Alma 26:37 sums up my feelings, "Now we see that God is amindful of every bpeople, whatsoever land they may be in; yea, he numbereth his people, and his bowels of mercy are over all the earth. Now this is my joy, and my great thanksgiving; yea, and I will give thanks unto my God forever."  It's my testimony that Jesus Christ is indeed the Savior of all people, this knowledge is my greatest blessing followed closely by our remarkable family and friends.  Sending our love for a blessed Thanksgiving.  Please remember the people of Samoa in your prayers, as they struggle with a terrible measle epidemic which has taken the lives of 22 children.  Remember to count your blessings.
Alofa atu,  Patty (Nana)

Monday, November 11, 2019

The Inn is Full

Talofa Family and Friends,
     Here it is Monday evening, and I am finally going to get a short note off.  Last Monday was Zone Conference and our big contribution was to get 18 large Pizzas  to the church in time for lunch.  Unfortunately we missed the meeting as we had Institute classes, but it was still fun to see all of our missionaries in the same place at the same time.
     Early last Tuesday Brent took "Lady" (Our adopted friend) to the Vet from Hawaii to get her spayed, de-wormed and all of her shots.  I was pleasantly surprised when the final bill was $40 for every thing!  She was still drowsy when we picked her up later in the day, and the Vet asked us to keep her in the house for the first couple of days.  It's taken several days for her to get back to her frisky self but today she is the same sweet dog - Only problem, she now thinks she is an inside dog which she is NOT.
Tutuila Zone Conference - Meet our "Kids"
Friday night our patients are starting to feel better
      It's been several weeks since we've had sick missionaries stay with us, but this week has made up for that.  Wednesday Elder Kendall arrived with a high fever, body aches and fatigue.  We had just got him tucked in when we got a call that Elder Coombs had viral pink eye and needed to be quarantined.  I bought a giant container of Clorox wipes and was vigilant about wiping everything down - including him.  Friday Sister Leiataua joined us with the same complaints as Elder Kendall.  The two that were sick were no problem as they almost slept around the clock, and we enjoyed getting to know Elder Coombs and Sister Leiataua's companion, Sister Hyatt.  The girls went home this morning.  However last night I woke up with ear aches and a sore throat - Have been in bed most of the day.  At noon today the Zone Leaders called and said Sister Leiataua had relapsed and needed to come back.  She got here about the same time Brent got all the bedding and towels washed and put away from the week before.  We have a mission nurse here, Sister Tele Hill, who is so good to check on our missionaries anytime we need her. She is a tender mercy!
     Western Samoa is in the middle of an epidemic measle outbreak, with an entire wing of the hospital dedicated to measle patients.  Two children, an infant and an adult have already died.  There are billboards and radio announcements urging people to get free vaccinations.  People arriving here by ferry or plane are all being checked by the Dept. of Health before they are able to enter the country.
      President and Sister Ho Ching were here this weekend for a leadership conference.  Saturday morning, while President Ho Ching was in meetings, Sister Ho Ching hung out at the house.  It was nice to be able to spend some time with her.  In the afternoon she went with Sister Hyatt to visit a family they're teaching.  Sister Hyatt had an appointment with this family today and the entire family wants to get baptized - Hurrah for Israel!
       Saturday night we were invited to join the East Zone at Vaitia, for a special program three wards had put together.  They had gone to a lot of work to invite non-members and less actives from the surrounding villages.  For part of the program they asked all the missionaries to sing three songs, that we practiced before it started.  I don't think it is ever a good idea to have Palagis  (White people) sing for Samoans as Samoans are amazing singers!  Thankfully, a few Samoan women joined the chorus.  Part of the program involved lighting a large bonfire to represent the "Light of Christ".  When they started pouring a lot of gasoline on the stacked wood all the Senior Missionaries started moving people back - especially the children who were right in front.  The fire started with a BOOM!
Missionary Fireside at Vaitia - with a real fire!
     This past week we remembered the 100th Anniversary of the end of WWI and the 30th Anniversary of the Berlin Wall coming down.  The blood and sacrifice of all our young men and women is a high price to pay for our ideals.  Just a reminder of what those are:

"....We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness..." 
Alofa Atu,                                        
Patty (Nana)

Monday, November 4, 2019

Time is Passing

Talofa Family and Friends,
     The rainy season has arrived!  Hardly a day goes by now without at least one good downpour.  Life goes on here like nothing is happening - people are still out walking, children are playing....  Halloween night came complete with thunder and pouring rain.  However, it was raining so hard that it did limit the number of Trick or Treaters we had.  Several kids  showed up - all looking like drowned rats.  A bowl of soup still sounds good on  rainy afternoons even though it is still hot outside.  A favorite is my White Bean Chicken Chili which has almost become a staple.
      This week we completed flu shots,  missionary apartment inspections and installing new filters for clean water.  Driving around the island to the apartments I tried to snap mental postcards of all the beautiful things we saw. Since the road follows the ocean around the island, there are always great ocean views.  If the sun is out the water can be a brilliant turquoise, and when it is overcast the water takes on a slate gray.  Depending on the tide, the waves can be boisterous, crashing on the reefs and shoreline or barely there - exposing coral and rocks.  It's never the same - I never get tired of of watching this beautiful ocean!
      Lately I've been noticing the variety and beauty of the Roosters that roam around every where.  You'll remember there was a rooster in the Disney film "Moana".  That's because roosters are everywhere!  They are natural pest control.  When a family wants chicken dinner, (which according to the missionaries is EVERY night) they set up a trap with a box, stick and string and just wait for some poor chicken to walk under the box where they put food.  Bam!  Instant Chicken!  Luckily there is available in the stores the variety that comes in plastic bags, cleaned and ready to cook. This morning when I was walking there was a mother hen in the courtyard with a brood of 6 baby chicks.  Something spooked her (probably a rat) because she quickly sheltered all of her chicks under her wings.  (Is there a lesson here???)
     Tomorrow (Monday) is our combined Zone Conference with President and Sister Ho Ching , along with the APs and STLs (Sister Training Leaders.) The  3 STLs are staying with us for a couple of days. When they arrived at the airport the Dept of Health was there passing out pills  for Lymphatic Filariasis. The disease is caused by a worm that is carried by mosquitoes.  They are trying to get 98% of the population to take them to stamp out this horrible disease, also known as "Elephantiasis." The intake nurse weighs you, yells your weight to the other end of the table where another nurse prepares a cup of pills.  The number of pills you have to take is based on your weight.  All three girls were down for the day with headaches and fatigue after taking their pills.  Brent got sick also.  I was told the variety of pills they give you will kill any worm you might have picked up - so count Brent and I worm free.  The day before they arrived here, the Ho Chings, APs and STLs were in Savaii conducting a Zone Conference over there.  I know I could not keep up with their crazy schedule.
     Today (Sunday) was the first TSS (Tutuila Super Seniors) dinner.  The Edwards invited the Patches and us to dinner after church.  We decided we would get together for dinner once a month after Fast Sunday.  We also planned Thanksgiving so that is a relief.
      Last week I dropped some material off at  one of a zillion sewing shops to get a couple of skirts made.  I just take one of my skirts that they use for a pattern and in two days I can pick up my finished skirts.  The family I like to use is from the Philippines.  The shop is right in their home and they have four adorable kids.  The day I was there they were all excited because they had just put up their Christmas tree!  They also enjoyed showing me some of the ties their parents had made for our missionaries.  Elders here can never have too many ties!  Brent has real competition here.
     Tomorrow my lesson is on the Prophet Joseph Smith.  I know there are many people who have trouble believing that Joseph Smith  had visions and visits from angels.   I loved this Conference quote from the lesson by Tad Callister: "To those honest searchers, we lovingly respond: “Were there not angels and visions in Christ’s Church in New Testament times? Did not an angel appear to Mary and to Joseph? Did not angels appear to Peter, James, and John on the Mount of Transfiguration? Did not an angel rescue Peter and John from prison? Did not an angel appear to Cornelius, then to Paul before he was shipwrecked and to John on the Isle of Patmos? Did not Peter have a vision of the gospel going to the Gentiles, Paul a vision of the third heaven, John a vision of the latter days, and Stephen a vision of the Father and Son?”  Then there are the many recorded visits in the Old Testament, from Adam, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah... I believe that Muhammad was visited by the angel Gabriel.  God is the same today as He was then.  He speaks through angels and visions.  I personally know that Joseph Smith was a Prophet of God, he was God's chosen instrument to restore the Gospel to earth - the only Gospel which has the power to save.  
      Sending my love and wishes to you for a wonderful week.  In this month of Thanksgiving try to think of one thing each day that you are thankful for.  This morning I thought how thankful I am for digital cameras.  No more film, light bulbs, waiting for pictures to get developed.  What a great blessing!
Alofa Atu - Patty (Nana)

Monday, October 28, 2019

Sister Act

Halloween decorations on a Family Grave
Talofa Family and Friends,

      Again the week seemed to evaporate until I think of all the things we did.  Monday we said goodbye to Elder Ioane who is now serving in Ghana West Africa.  We will miss him in Institute but know that he will be a great missionary and bless the lives of the people he serves.  Also on Monday I drove with Sister Patch to the far east end of the island to deliver flu vaccinations.  Tomorrow they will all be completed as we have arranged to visit the rest of the District meetings.
Elder Ioane on his way to Ghana
    Tuesday I got to spend some time with Sisters Hymas and Davies.  Sister Davies is from Australia, so she must leave AS  every 30 days to keep her VISA current.  After seeing  Sister Davies off at the airport I treated Sister Hymas to breakfast at McDonald's.  I warned her that we needed to destroy the evidence before arriving at the other sisters home, but alas - we were not quick enough.  Sisters Leiatua and Hyatt saw the empty bag in the car and only thought it fair they they should also have McDonald's.   I love spending time with these amazing young women so was glad to give into their request.  Sister Davies informed me on her return that afternoon, that the Ho Chings had treated her to McDonald's in Apia, so everyone was happy. Wednesday was P-Day and again we ran into the Sisters - this time at Carl's Junior - so enjoyed another meal with them.  Believe me, two meals at a fast food restaurant in one week rarely happens.  These young women are 19 years old.  They are living away from home in a foreign land learning a different language, and for  most days, eating different foods, and living in conditions much below what they enjoy at home.  They walk for hours every day in the heat, spend hours studying and serving others, and when you talk to them they are the happiest they have ever been.  None of them want to return home.  You can't help but fall in love with them!  Sisters Rule!!!
Sisters Davies and Hymas
     Thursday Sister Foster arrived for a two day visit from Apia.  She comes to check on the mission vehicles.  It's always nice to have her come as she is great company and very low maintenance.  This week we went to a Samoan movie that went over my head, did a little shopping, played a few games and watched Part 2 of "The Other Side of Heaven" that is now playing on YouTube.  We also went to the Museum of Samoa that only opened 3 weeks ago. They had some beautiful textiles made from tree bark that boggled the mind to think how much skill and patience they took to create. 
       On a sad note, on Friday we learned that one of our zone leaders, Elder Wannamaker
Sisters Leiatua and Hyatt
was being transferred to Apia to become an Assistant to the President (AP).  We have loved serving with him and will miss his dry humor and beating Brent at Sequence on P-Days.  He was supposed to go home Dec. 13th, and for weeks he's been singing "I'll Be Home for Christmas"  but poor guy - the President has asked him to extend his mission to January.
      The holidays are almost here.  I'm sure the stores at home are decked out with Christmas and our Ace Hardware recently sprouted a forest of decorated Christmas trees with all the fixings.  We are planning a trip to Western Samoa Dec 20 - 22nd for a mission reunion with Pres and Sister Hanneman - but that's as far as our holiday plans have got.
Elder Wannamaker - new mission AP
      A tender mercy on our dog dilemma.  I ran into a lady at the Post Office with a little cute dog inside her purse.  I asked her if she knew of any vets and she said one was coming this week from Hawaii and would be here for two weeks.  She is sending me information on how to get an appointment.  Hopefully this means Lady will be spared experimental surgery via Google.
     Yesterday in church one of the speakers quoted: "Salvation is an individual matter - Exaltation is a family matter."  I write this blog mostly for my grandkids - so to my grandkids - I want you to know that I know that The Gospel of Jesus Christ  is the only way for all of us to be together in the next life as a family.   I encourage all of you to study and pray and receive the same confirmation, and then be willing to make covenants with God and keep His commandments.  I love all of you more than you can know, I miss you and I pray for you every day. 
Elder Pingree being very brave

Thursday is Halloween.  I've been told to expect lots of kids so have bought enough treats for 80 kids.  After that I guess we'll just have to lock the gate and turn out the lights.  Happy Spooking to all of you :).
Alofa Atu - Patty (Nana)

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Happy Days

Talofa Family and Friends,
     Today is October 20th - the date of the 2019 Palolo harvest here in the Pacific.  It occurs pretty much on schedule - seven days after the October full moon.  Palolo is a wormlike substance that is released into the ocean during mating by the coral. Tonight, while we are sleeping (between 1 and 3 am), many Samoan families will wade into the ocean with fine nets and flashlights to capture this delicacy that is supposed to be similar to caviar in taste.  Just another thing in nature that is amazing and reminds me how much wonder there is in the world.  If you are interested there are photos online. 
Last Disaster Training
     We had a pretty busy week.  I completed the
Disaster Training for Cyclones and Tsunamis, with the young missionaries on Monday.  Sister Ho Ching is going to start to make it a part of the training for all new missionaries on all of the islands, with reviews throughout the year.  I've had several of the missionaries thank me and tell me that they had no idea what to do before the training.
     Wednesday Elder and Sister Patch (LPN) came over to the house to give the Australian flu shots to the missionaries who spend P-Day at our house.  Tomorrow Sister Patch and I plan to leave early and get to as many District meetings as we can around the island.  She has appointments at the hospital so what we don't finish tomorrow we'll work on during the week.
Elder Moeai (Mesquite, NV) braving his flu shot
     Wednesday was also Elder Edwards birthday.  We celebrated with the Edwards and Patches by going for "Mexican Food" at a restaurant in Pago.  It was probably the worst Mexican food I've ever had, but the company was great and we all had a great time.  We even got into a little group Karaoke at the end - which was fun since I think we were the only people in the restaurant.   Last night we had another enjoyable evening together when Brother and Sister Halleck invited us all to their beautiful home for dinner.  It was definitely the best food we've had on the island, and again the great company made for a delightful evening.
Happy Birthday Elder Edwards
      Our little adventure with "Lady" is getting to be quite pricey.  I had no idea how much dog food cost - but after spending $33 I was relieved that she ate it.  We also bought shampoo ($6)  and a flea collar ($15) which lasted about 3 hours.  Don't ask me what happened to it - but it's gone!  On our P-Day Brent climbed into the shower with her and gave her a good shampoo.  She smells so much better. 
     Brent has been busy this week working on a standardized rental agreement for all of the places we rent for missionaries.  There was no real organization when we got here that made sense to us.  Often Brent would never get a an invoice so he was not able to make payment.  Hopefully starting November 1st everyone will get paid in a timely manner.  Everyone has agreed to get us the invoice 5 days before the end of the month along with the electrical and water bills we have to pay.  It's hard to pay bills when you don't get the bill!
Time to service water filters
Lady Getting a much needed bath
     It's that time again to service the water filters.  Brent put one in last week, we have another one this week and then it will be time to revisit all of the apartments to make sure the missionaries have clean, safe water.  We'll do inspections at the same time to kill two birds with one stone.
Tomorrow one of our Institute students leaves on his mission to Ghana, West Africa.  I have so much admiration for these young people who put their lives on hold and put their trust in the Lord.  This week I've been thinking that I don't think I've ever been happier.  We are busy but not too busy, work with wonderful students and missionaries, and get to live in this beautiful paradise.  I need to remember to appreciate every day. 
      This week we read Philippians and Colossians in the New Testament.  Paul reminds us to spend our time seeking after good things.  Philippians 4: 8 reads -  
inally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."
So many good things in life!  Good advice for a happy life.  God bless you and keep you as you go about your lives this week.
Alofa Atu - Patty (Nana)
Institute Students with Brother Ellis visiting from Australia