Sunday, December 29, 2019

Keep Christmas in Your Heart

Sweet Christmas Eve Celebration -
One I will always remember with fondness
Talofa Family and Friends,
     Manuia le Kirisimasi!  I hope all of your Christmases were as joyful as ours was.  Through the miracle of the internet we were able to visit with all of our kids and share in a little bit of their Christmas.  Christmas Eve we shared a little Christmas with two of our Institute students, as well as Mata's younger siblings and the Edwards.  Sister Patch got stuck at the hospital delivering babies (a total of 7) so they didn't make it.    Having kids here made the night perfect.  After a yummy lasagna dinner we enjoyed singing carols, reading Luke 2 and playing Charades.  There were a few surprises under the tree for everyone.  My favorite moment was seeing nine year old Spencer open a basketball.  His face was priceless - I'm not sure who was happier, Spencer or me.   The night was topped off with apple crisp and Ice Cream.
     We loved participating in the  "Light the World" Campaign throughout December.  Brent and I had to talk in Church today, and part of my talk was about how to keep Christmas. Here is a short excerpt: If Christmas is not in your heart it will never be found under a tree.  It has been wonderful participating in the "Light the World" and to think of all the kindness and good deeds being done around the world.  It's too bad that we can't keep those good feelings associated with Christmas going all year long.     Charles Dickens, in "A Christmas Carol" wrote "I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year."   What a grand idea!  Let's try not to pack up the Spirit of Christmas with the ornaments this year.  Let's make 2020 the year we keep Christmas.
Christmas Morning Pancake Breakfast for West Zone
Just imagine the joy we could bring to others and ourselves if we just tried to be a little kinder, a little more generous, and a little more willing to go out of our way to help our neighbor, a little more like our Savior Jesus Christ.
     Christmas morning was so much fun.  Missionaries from the West Zone started arriving at 7:30 am and by 8:30 all sixteen had arrived.  The Patches and Edwards had volunteered to take care of the East Zone at Aua.  We had made a large breakfast casserole and Brent made his famous pancakes.  Somehow we managed to fill up all those bottomless pits.  After breakfast we played our "Ricky Ticky Bear" Game and then for the rest of the day several of them used our Ipads and computers to make video calls home.  By 4:30 pm I was ready for a break! 
     Christmas evening the Edwards had us and the Patches over to their place for a delicious turkey dinner.  Having these two other couples on island with us has been such a blessing!  One tender mercy was that Dr. Edwards offered to give me cortisone shots in my knees as needed.  A couple of weeks ago I finally gave in and got the shots.  My knees feel almost like new!  When I left the states I knew my knees would eventually start hurting, but I had decided I would just bite the bullet.  Having the shots available and someone I trust to give them is truly a blessing!
Christmas Dinner at the Edwards
     We did have a bit of a scare this week with our little dog.  We're not sure if she got hit by a car or someone threw a rock at her, but for days she did not eat, drink or hardly move.   Everytime we would try and pick her up she would whine loudly.  I was pretty sure she was going to die.  There is a Vet Tech on island that we took her to.  We got an antibiotic and pain medication for her.  Today is the first day that it looks like she's going to be OK.   
       Most of my talk today was from the Book of Revelation, and was about being strong in a world of decaying morals.  I'll close with this quote from Richard G. Scott regarding how we can stay safe during these last days. He describes how a strong testimony of the Savior will shield us from the adversary. "A strong testimony gives peace, comfort, and assurance.  It generates the conviction that as the teachings of the Savior are consistently obeyed, life will be beautiful, the future secure, and there will be capacity to overcome the challenges that cross our path.  A testimony grows from understanding truth, distilled from prayer and the pondering of scriptural doctrine.  It is nurtured by living those truths in faith and the secure confidence that the promised results will be obtained.  Your personal security and happiness depend upon the strength of your testimony, for it will guide your actions in times of trial and uncertainty." 
The Three Partners in Crime
(Yes - Brent went on another tie making binge)
     The beginning of a new year is always a good time to make a personal assessment and see where we can improve.  It's also a good time to reflect on all of our blessings.  Our wonderful family and many good friends have blessed our lives over the years.  We love looking at FB and seeing how and what you all are doing.  It's fun to see our old missionaries getting married and starting families, connecting with old friends and seeing how your families are growing.  The greatest blessing I have is my strong testimony of the Atonement of Jesus Christ and His Gospel.  Even though we live in a trying time we also live in an amazing time.  I can hardly wait to see what 2020 will bring. (I'm hoping for an amazing diet pill that works!)  Brent and I send our love to all of you and best wishes for a peaceful and prosperous New Year.
Alofa atu, Patty (Nana)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a lively Christmas and good messages for every day.
